
So many young dancers are delighted to resume their summer ballet training this year following on from the last two years. This year our Summer Intensive will take place in July in DanceHouse. For some, this may be their first summer training programme.

We had a chat with one of the students from last year to give first time attenders a sense of what Ballet Ireland’s Summer Intensive is like.

Why did you decide to do the summer intensive last year?

Well, I was pretty lucky because I was 12, and that’s the minimum age. I have wanted to do it before but wasn’t the right age. I have been wanting to go because the training is focused on ballet with other classes suited to developing young dancers. The teachers are really excellent too. They challenge us but it’s the right level of challenge! I also like that it’s in DanceHouse where Ballet Ireland and Irish National Youth Ballet rehearse so the space is really great too.

Did you know anyone before you went?

I knew a couple of people when I got there but we all became friends really quickly. I recognised some of the dancers from other programmes I have done. It’s fun when that happens! But, everyone is really friendly and welcoming so you leave knowing more people on the first day!

What did you like the most?

Ballet class and rep… I also like starting with Pilates – it really warms you up. I’d really feel my core the next morning! We also got to create our own dances which was a lot of fun. Most of all we were dancing every day ALL day!!

Was anything really challenging?

I found something things in contemporary tricky but Laura really helped me. She could see I was have a hard time getting down to the floor and back up again so she was able to give me a few tips which really helped. Wednesday morning was challenging as I was sore that morning lol but was fine once I warmed-up!

Anything else you want to tell us?

Yes! I’m really looking forward to this summer. With no school on we can just focus on dancing, work on new steps and focus on other steps and get stronger. That’s what’s great about intensives – we have all this time to do what we love doing with great teachers!






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